3D People 10037 Ina & Simon
File Formats
3ds Max (.max)
Renderer: Native
Renderer: Native
3ds Max (.max)
Renderer: V-Ray (3)
Renderer: V-Ray (3)
Cinema 4D (.c4d)
Renderer: Native
Renderer: Native
Cinema 4D (.c4d)
Renderer: V-Ray (3.5)
Renderer: V-Ray (3.5)
OBJ (.obj)
Download package includes files for 3ds Max, Cinema 4D and OBJ! 3ds Max 2016 or above. Vray 3 and native Cinema 4D R17 or above. VRAYforC4D and native 100k & 30k | Triangulated Diffuse, Normal & Alpha Maps 8k Resolution You can use the OBJ files for every other software: Maya, Unreal, Unity, Rhino, Blender, etc. All our models are royality free 3D People. |
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